Single Person Discount

Use this form to either apply or update a Single Person Discount by telling us:

- if you are the only adult in the property

- if all other adults have moved out

- if another adult has moved in with you

Please provide us with as much information as possible as this will enable us to deal with your application more effectively.

Data Protection

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):
We process your data in line with our legal obligation to collect Council Tax and administer Housing Benefit and Local Council Tax Support. We may process the information you provide to prevent and detect fraud and may supply information to government agencies, credit reference agencies, audit or other external bodies for such purposes. We participate in the government's National Fraud Initiative - Click here for more information on our website.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) updates your rights regarding how your data is processed. More information regarding this can be found here.